المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Very Odd Experience

03-19-2009, 10:40 AM
As some of you all know I am an agnostic interested in Islam. A few weeks ago I was in a study group with some friends at school. The group of people was mixed, atheists, Christians, a Muslim etc. Anyway we were all joking around when a friend jokingly said "like Will (yours truly), he's a Muslim" (because I'm always reading some Islam book) He was just joking and I laughed but when the girl looked at me (like she couldn't quite tell if he was joking or not and was confused) I honestly didn't know what to say. I usually am actually fairly quick with a response but I just kind of did one of those weak laughs with a forced smile and finally mumbled "I'm not a Muslim/not religious" and then immediately became very involved in my work.

It was just strange because for a moment I honestly didn't know what to say. Which is odd because not all that long ago I would have known very clearly what to say (agnostic).

I don't know, a number of you have wished God's blessing for me, guidance etc either on the board, through the reputation comments or private message (although I've not been on much so perhaps I am forgotten in which case just ignore this and move along please :D) so I thought perhaps I should share that.

Anyway, I do not need this confusion during this very busy part of the school year and really am kind of confused. So while I don't know if there is anything to prayer perhaps a few of you could keep a somewhat confused kufir in mind during prayers?