المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Should I give up?

05-18-2009, 02:51 PM
:sl: Brothers and sisters in Islam. I'm hoping someone can advise me on the situation I'm in. I'd be very grateful.

I've been making dua for something for a long time now and although I'm pretty certain it's not ment to be, I still carry on and exhaust myself hoping Allah swt will one day give me the thing I very much long for.

I know it's not meant to be because i've seen so many signs to show me that this is not the person for me because of the way he is. I keep telling myself that Allah swt is showing me these signs so i should let go. But something is stopping me from giving up and I believe Allah swt can change hearts, so why not hold on?

I know we shouldn’t ever give up on dua, but that is the only thing that could change what was written for me in the first place right? The person I want is with someone else… and he doesn’t want me, but I know Allah swt will help me, should I just carry on making dua or should I give up? :cry:

P.S Please don’t mention doing Istikhara. I have my reasons.