المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : feeling suffocated

05-26-2009, 05:00 PM
my parents never let me out even though ALL my friends are muslim hijabis n theyre good people who try to convince me to wear hijab...
come to dat, my parents dont even let me out alone!
I feel suffocated and now i wanna do anything to go against them...they give me no money even though they owe me 75 pounds so i do things like sneak into the swimming pool at the leisure centre (ladies only day) and i would honestly, rather go back to foster care than live with them - i feel like dying.

My dad's always wishing for me to be cursed or for my life to end and things and the little respect i had for him has gone - he is my father but it is impossible in human nature to respect someone who treats you like dirt - he also said he doesnt want me to be his daughter and genuinely he talks to me with a disgusted tone and cannot bear to look at me sometimes...so he jus sends me out the room for no reason!

on top of all this he says Allah is on his side - so now i dont even have Allah with me. He says he is religious but doesnt even act it...