المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Blindly following/supporting...

12-28-2010, 05:42 AM
I'd like to start some kind of discussion here, so if you feel the need to turn this thread into a war zone with aggressive comments, please leave.

Anyway, I want to know what you guys think of blindly following some kind of authority, especially when it comes to religious matters. I've noticed lately that people on this forum tend to find a few scholars who hold an opinion that they agree with, and then take that view to be the only correct one. I have no problem with taking the side of a scholar who you agree with, but to blindly assume that that one opinion is the correct one... Especially when you don't even acknowledge the fact that other legitimate opinions exist... That seems wrong. Yet it seems to be really common.

What's worse is that the people who do it are also seem to be the ones that reprimand others (especially those who aren't Muslim) of doing exactly the same thing, oblivious to the hypocrisy. There was a recent thread here about the Taliban, and I saw a lot of this blind following taking place there. Nobody in the thread had any real knowledge concerning them, but instead of just admitting this and not taking a side, you would find people vehemently defending them from any criticism.

Something similar seems to happen to religious rulings or opinions. Things such as music, or drawing, or anything for that matter... People agree with one opinion, and then all of a sudden they're blind to all other opinions. Respect for those who disagree goes down the drain. Either everyone else should blindly follow your opinion, or they're labeled as deviants, or hypocrites, or whatever.

So I want to know... What do you think of this? Do you see it as often as I do? Do you think you've ever been guilty of blindly following or supporting something? I'd love to get some input from both our Muslim and our Non Muslim members, since I really do think this is becoming quite the problem... In our communities as well as this particular forum.

Also, sorry if this came off as kind of rant-ish. I just wanted to find a way to bring this up, and start a discussion at the same time. Hopefully it works.

[Lets hurry and get this thing going, as I'm sure some mod will find a reason to close this thread soon. :p]