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No regret, but know it is wrong :salamext: i have self harmed lots of times, and yesterday i tried to suicide by taking an overdose. i know it is wrong i know that i shouldnt be doing it but it is like my mind knows it is wrong but my heart does not feel any regret example: my mind knows its wrong to listen to music, and sometimes my heart feels regret that i do it and i ask for forgiveness. but i've tried everything to make me feel regret for the above stupid thing i do, but alas, no regret. how do i feel this brothers and sisters, please advice me. i have tried to listen to heart moving recitations of the quran, but it does not instill the same fear as it used to :( my heart has hardened, my imaan dropping to a low level, and all hope feels lost...:cry:
No regret, but know it is wrong
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