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أضف مشاركة إلى الموضوع: Angels


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عرض العنوان (الأحدث أولاً)

  • 03-13-2009, 03:40 AM


    By Sh Yasir Qadhi

    (Part I)

    They are apart of our faith, the 6 arkan al Islam. It is important to study them and understand the knowledge that is given about the Angels. It increases our submission and our humility in Allah (swt).

    What are they created out of?

    They are created from light. The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu `alahi wa salaam) reported that the Angels are created from a pure and shining light.

    When were they created?

    That is what we do not know, but what is known is that they were created before Adam (`alahi assalam)

    Ibn Abbas stated that the Jinns were created before Adam, and that the Angels were created before them. He even stated that the Jinns were sent down to Earth for a long period of time and that they caused a lot of fitnah. Then Allah swt created Adam. After the Angels saw what the Jinns have done, the Angels were wondering and asked Allah swt why the creation of Adam took place. This is just one proof that they were created before Jinns.

    They are powerful and of a great nature and huge creation.

    Prophet Muhammad (s) reported that he saw angel Gibrel in the original form that he is in. He is tall that the sky was filled with his body. He had 600 wings, and from each wing pearls and drops were falling down from him. They are of a very large and majestic creation subhan Allah!

    The Prophet ,Sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam ,said, "I saw Jibraeel in the fashion that he was originally created in. He had 600 wings. Each wing filling the (entire) horizon. (The east to the west ,as far as the eye could see). This event was mentioned in the Quran [And indeed he (Muhammad ,Sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) saw him (Jibraee-Alayhis Salam) in the clear horizon (to the east)] Takweer 81-23

    Prophet Muhammad (s) also reported that he saw Angel Gibrel coming down that filled the entire earth.

    He also reported (sal Allahu `alahi wa salaam) that he saw the Angels carrying Allah (swt)'s throne, This he was given permission to narrate to us. There are some things which he knew about but which did not have any benefit to us so therefore it was not narrated.

    To give you an idea how majestic they are in their physical appearance, what is the distance of the lobe of an Angels ear and his shoulder is the distance of 700 years!

    In the details of Israa and Mi'raj: The Prophet said he was permitted to speak about one of these angels who carry the Throne. In describing this angel, the Prophet told us the distance between his ear lobe and shoulder is the distance a fast-flying bird would cover in 700 years.

    Angel Gibrel:

    In Surat al Najm:
    5. He has been taught (this Qur'ân) by one mighty in power [Jibrael (Gabriel)].

    6. Dhu Mirrah (free from any defect in body and mind), Fastawa [then he (Jibrael ­ Gabriel) rose and became stable]. [Tafsir At-Tabarî].
    He is described as being a very beautiful creation. He would come to the Prophet Muhammad (`alahi assalatu wassalam) n the form of Dhihya al Kalby. Dhihya al Kalby was a known Sahaba and was known for his good looks, so Angel Gibrel would take the shape and form of that Sahabah.

    Continued in next post...

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