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Tayyibun Institute NEW 3 Month Structured Courses (April- July 09): Arabic, Qur'an Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah, TAYYIBUN INSTITUTE Three Months Structured Part-Time Courses (April - July 2009) Arabic ********, Tajweed, Qur'anic, Aqeedah, Fiqh and Islamic History studies Limited places Fully segregated facilities COURSES ON OFFER ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Arabic ******** (Levels 1 to 4) - Spoken Arabic (Parts 1 to 2) - First Step to Qur'an (Beginners) - Tajweed ul Qur'an (Levels 1 to 3 Tarteel) - Hifdh ul Qur'an: Juzz 'Amma/ Tabarak (Memorisation) - Qur'anic: How to Approach and Understand the Qur'an - Fiqh al Hadith: 'Umdatul Ahkaam (Salaah) - Fiqh: The Fiqh of Food and Clothing - Aqeedah: Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah - Aqeedah: Kitab At-Tawhid - History: The Lives of the Four Rightly Guided Khulafaa - Tarbiyyah: 40 Hadith Related to Rulings & Etiquettes Pertaining to Children TEACHERS FOR THE COURSES ------------------------------------------------------------------- All our course instructors have experience of teaching Arabic ********, Qur'an and Islamic studies from across the Middle East and the UK to English speaking students, some of the teachers for these courses include: - Ustadh Wasim Kempson – MADINAH - Ustadh Ismail Ibrahim – MADINAH - Ustadh Abu Hasnayn Murtaza Khan – ISLAMABAD - Ustadh Abdul 'Aleem Alomgir – EGYPT - Ustadh Abu Anees – MADINAH - Ustadh Dr. Khalid Fikri – EGYPT - Ustadha Umm A'isha - EGYPT - Ustadha Umm Omar al Farouq - JEDDAH - Ustadha Umm Fatimah - JEDDAH - Ustadha Nadia al Azhari - EGYPT - Ustadha Umm Talha - UK/ EGYPT - Ustadha Umm 'Abdullah - UK - Ustadha Umm Yusuf - INDONESIA REGISTRATION DATES & TIMES ------------------------------------------------------------------- Those interested should attend and register with fees on one of the following dates in order to enrol and confirm a seat for chosen course/s: Registration times: FEMALE ONLY : 10am - 4pm (on any of the chosen dates below) MALE ONLY : 5pm - 10pm (on any of the chosen dates below) Saturday 25th April 2009 Sunday 26th April 2009 Monday 27th April 2009 Friday 1st May 2009 Saturday 2nd May 2009 Sunday 3rd May 2009 *ALL REGISTRATION FOR THESE COURSES WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE HEAD OFFICE: TAYYIBUN INSTITUTE, 32 NEW ROAD (OFF WHITECHAPEL ROAD), LONDON E1 2AX. NEAREST TRANSPORT : TUBE: WHITECHAPEL BUS: D3, 15, 25, 106, 115, 205, 254 *ALL CLASSES START FROM THE WEEK BEGINNING 4TH MAY 2009. CONTACT DETAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR FEES, TI****BLE AND MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: Tayyibun Institute UK OR CONTACT: Telephone : 0207 702 7254 Mobile : 07949 713 902 E-mail : info@tayyibun.com Wasalaamu Alaikum, Tayyibun Institute Tayyibun Institute UK For the Teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah *We maintain full 100% segregation systems between the two genders making Tayyibun Institute a safe and comfortable place to study for all. *Tayyibun Institute is a non-partisan organisation, we are not affiliated with any groups, Islamic organisations or Mosques. We welcome all students of knowledge. *Register on the early registration dates to avoid disappointments as our courses are always in high demand Al Hamdulillah. *Certificates provided upon successful completion of a course.
Tayyibun Institute NEW 3 Month Structured Courses (April- July 09): Arabic, Qur'an
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