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أضف مشاركة إلى الموضوع: Muslim sisters died in 'depraved' attack


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  • 05-08-2009, 02:20 AM

    Muslim sisters died in 'depraved' attack

    Sisters died in 'depraved' attack

    Sabrina and Yasmine Larbi-Cherif were found dead in their flat
    A man murdered his on-off girlfriend and her sister in a "brutal and depraved" attack, stabbing one of them more than 30 times, a court has heard.

    Mohammed Ali, 29, of Old Snow Hill, Birmingham, had been in a relationship with Yasmine Larbi-Cherif, 22.

    He denies murdering Ms Larbi-Cherif and her 19-year-old sister Sabrina, who were found at their flat near Birmingham city centre in September.

    The prosecution said there was a "sexual motive" for the killings.

    David Crigman QC told the jury at Birmingham Crown Court that Mr Ali had admitted the manslaughter of the sisters on the grounds of provocation.

    'Scene of carnage'

    Mr Crigman said Mr Ali stabbed the sisters before dragging their bodies into a bedroom and had twice had to rearm himself after knives he had used to stab the sisters broke.

    After showing the jury CCTV footage of Mr Ali leaving the women's apartment he said: "[Mr Ali] had left behind a scene of carnage.

    "He had used violence of the most brutal and depraved kind and he had killed two young girls."

    He said the accused was arrested in Dover two days after leaving the fourth-floor flat.

    He added: "In this case, it's likely that there will be overlapping motives - anger, control, **** male brutality and a significant sexual dimension."

    You hurt me with your words. You cannot respect a woman can you?

    Yasmine Larbi-Cherif's text message
    The court heard Yasmine Larbi-Cherif met Mr Ali in 2006 and became pregnant by him twice, resulting in two terminations. Mr Crigman said the couple's relationship was "foundering" prior to the killings.

    In a text message to Mr Ali a few days before her death, she wrote: "Actually let's call it a day like you mentioned. I am disappointed you think I am a ****.

    "I am not willing to have you in my life if you do not respect who I am."

    The jury was told that in another text, the 22-year-old wrote: "You hurt me with your words. You cannot respect a woman can you?"

    The trial was adjourned until Friday.
    An example of the state of some muslim brothers and sisters over here, the girl who got pregnant twice died in the most degrading way and now all her dirty little secrets will have to be revealed as evidence, imagine the effect on the families of these people. And SubhanAllah it makes me so angry to hear about people who possess prophets names like 'Muhammad' getting caught doing this crap.

    And lol this girl actually demanded respect from the guy, for what? for letting him screw her over?

    Any way this is just one example, go into a college and you'll even find some muslims boasting about what they get up to with girls

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