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أضف مشاركة إلى الموضوع: Intensive Arabic! Learn the ******** of Allah this summer!!


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عرض العنوان (الأحدث أولاً)

  • 05-15-2009, 03:10 AM

    Intensive Arabic! Learn the ******** of Allah this summer!!

    Arabic Course Intensive!!!



    Summer holidays coming up. Nothing much to do? Want Arabic as your priority? Always wanted to learn Arabic but haven’t had the time or the right method of teaching. Found it to difficult? Al Buruj Press has organised Summer intensive Arabic classes, 4 hours per day, which will see the WHOLE of Medina book 1/2 completed. Daily classes will evaluate and show the easiness of Arabic grammar and simplify the book in such a way, to give students the ability to have entry into Medina Book 3. The course also using the Qur’an and Ahadith, will implement the grammar learnt and insha’allah instigate zeal into students to pursue further studies in the Arabic ********, finishing off Medina Book 3. Following from book 1/2, those ready will have direct access to Book 3 the following week (compromised of 2 weeks, 4hours a day). A PERFECT COURSE also for those who want to ******* their knowledge in both books.

    (Al Buruj Press Arabic Intensive Arabic Courses are designed to make students into Arabic teachers. The intensive courses held in Dec 08/April 09 have seen students now teaching the book as taught to them.)

    Course Outline: Medina Book 1

    Day 1- Chapters 1-6 = 1st June 2009

    Day 2- Chapters 7-10 = 2nd June 2009

    Day 3- Chapters 11-15 =3rd June 2009

    Day 4- Chapters 16-19 = 4th June 2009

    Day 5- Chapters 20-23 = 5th June 2009

    Course Outline: Medina Book 1

    Day 1- Chapters 1-6 = 22nd June 2009

    Day 2- Chapters 7-10 = 23rd June 2009

    Day 3- Chapters 11-15 =24th June 2009

    Day 4- Chapters 16-19 = 25th June 2009

    Day 5- Chapters 20-23 = 26th June 2009


    Cost: £40 (Pls bring own copy of Medina book 1)

    Date: 1st Medina Book 1 Course: 1st - 5th June 2009, 2nd Medina Book 1 Course: 22nd- 26th June 2009

    Time: 8:30 a.m to 12:45pm

    Venue: Shahjalal Poplar Mosque- Opposite Tower Hamlets College

    25 Hale Street, Poplar, London E14 OBF (1 min from Poplar DLR)

    Tube Lines: DLR

    Buses: 108, D8 ,D6 , 15

    Online Payment: www.alburujpress.com

    Email: alburujpress@gmail.com

    For more information, contact our team on:

    Brothers: 07983590489/ 07595510978

    Sisters: 07944229254/ 07732071529

    Course Outline Medina Book 2

    Day 1: Chapters 1-3 = 29th June 2009

    Day 2: Chapters 4-7 = 30th June 2009

    Day 3: Chapters 8-11 = 1st July 2009

    Day 4: Chapters 12-15 = 2nd July 2009

    Day 5: Chapters 16-19 = 3rd July 2009

    Day 6: Chapters 20-23 = 6th July 2009

    Day 7: Chapters 24- 27 = 7th July 2009

    Day 8 Chapters 27-30 = 8th July 2009

    Day 9: Chapter 31 and Revision = 9th July 2009

    Day 10 Revision = 10th July 2009


    Cost: £55 (Pls bring own copy of Medina book 2)

    Date: 6th April 2009- 17th April 2009

    Time: 8:30 a.m to 12:45pm

    Venue: Shahjalal Poplar Mosque- Opposite Tower Hamlets College

    25 Hale Street, Poplar, London E14 OBF (1 min from Poplar DLR)

    Tube Lines: DLR

    Buses: 108, D8, D6, 15

    Online Payment: www.alburujpress.com

    Email: alburujpress@gmail.com

    Cost of Medina Book 1 and 2: ONLY £80 (Discounted Price)!!!

    For more information, contact our team on:

    Brothers: 07983590489/ 07595510978

    Sisters: 07944229254/ 07732071529

    Info for Students: To be a successful student of this course, Al Buruj Press recommends all students to start memorising as much Vocabulary (found at the back of the book) as they can prior to the course, as this will facilitate the grammar taught, and will aid the pace of the teaching.

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