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Summer courses London al-Salam Alaykum I hope this reaches you in the best of health and iman Al-Salam Institute presents to you an amazing line up of Islamic Courses throughout the Summer! *** GATEWAY TO ISLAMIC SCIENCES SUMMER 2009 INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC HISTORY A six day course With Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi Fees: £60 for the whole course or £15 per day The Seerah of the Prophet (s.a.w.): Saturday 20th June 2009 (10am-6pm) Period of the Four Khulafa: Sunday 21st June 2009 (10am-6pm) Umayyad Dynasty: Saturday 27th June 2009 (10am-6pm) Abbasid Dynasty: Sunday 28th June 2009 (10am-6pm) Mughal Empire: Saturday 4th July 2009 (10am-6pm) Ottoman Empire: Sunday 5th July 2009 (10am-6pm) INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC SCIENCES Fees: £85for all five courses course or see individual prices Introduction to Usul al-Hadith Principles of Hadith Science and its Narrative Transmission Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam Saturday 25th Sunday 26th July 2009 (10am-6pm) Fees: £25 Introduction to Usul al-Tafsir Principles of Quranic Exegesis Shaykh Umair Zulfiqar Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of August 2009 (10am-6pm) Fees: £25 Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Ustadh Ismaeel Ishaq Saturday15th and Sunday 16th of August 2009 (10am-6pm) Fees: £25 Islamic Finance Introduction to the Rules and ethics pertaining to Islamic Finance Shaykh Umair Zulfiqar Sunday 2nd August 2009 (10am-6pm) Fees: £15 Introduction to Balagah Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi Saturday 11th July 2009 (10am-6pm) Fees: £15 SPRITUAL PURIFICATION Purifying the Heart, Mind and Soul: Essential Preparation for Ramadan Details to be announced. Please check the al-Salam ***site for updates on www.al-salam.co.uk. ARABIC ******** With Ustadh Abul Farhan Fees: £185 for all 3 levels or level 1: £55 Level 2: £80 Level 3: £80 Arabic ******** Session 1: (Sisters only) 10am-2pm Level One: 29th June-3rd July 2009, Level Two: 6th -15th July 2009, Level Three: 16th -24th July 2009 Arabic ******** Session 2: 5:30pm-9:00pm Level One: 20th -24th July 2009, Level Two: 27th -5thAugust 2009, Level Three: 6th -14th August 2009 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COURSES OR FOR TEACHER PROFILES PLEASE SEE OUR ***SITE Al-Salam special student offer: Pay only £295and attend all courses PLUS get 10% off al-Salam Term time classes for a year! Course booklets/texts will be provided for all courses Venue: Madani Girls School Myrdle Street London E1 1HL (Two minute walk from the East London Mosque) Nearest Tube: Whitechapel/Aldgate East Contact details: [B] 07943 894 032 [S] 07891 878 651 alsalaminstitute@googlemail.com www.al-salam.co.uk Supported by: Guys Isoc (Kings College London) & Madani Girls School
Summer courses London
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