Has anyone seen this movie? I watched it yesterday for perhaps the second time in my entire life. I was blown away at how good of a story it was on its own, even though I don't believe that it happened.

Is it consistent to how Islam sees the story of Yeshwa of Nazareth? I respect the Aramaic and Latin spoken ******** in the movie (and I loved being able to tell what they said and when they switched between them), however, it seemed like it may have portrayed the people who crucified him in an unrealistic light.

And, would Islam be against creating any movie showing the story of significant religious characters?

What do Christians here think of the movie? I think a lot of people would see the movie and think of that as exactly how it happened, when to me, that's very doubtful. I read the part in the Bible, and it could only be you know... ****d on a (maybe) true story. I've heard it praised for it's supposed accuracy, but maybe that was referring to how people lived back then.