I think of the three monotheism I like Islam the best. Here are some of the reasons why. Please not this is not about all religions just the three.
Mankind's decent from Eden is not just Eves/womans fault.
Original Sin does not exist. This is appealing. Humans are born with sin
disgust me. Also the Christians contradict them selves. We have original sin because of Adam and Eve but most Christians think this story did not really happen. Well a large amount of them anyways and Jesus died to free us from our imaginary created original sin. Makes no sense. Ohh and if the creator is perfect and he created us we should be perfect. Original sin is a creator not being perfect. So Islam avoids these contradictions.
Jesus. He is God. He is Gods avatar. He is Gods Son. He is Gods sons avatar? Come on.
The Trinity-It makes less sense then one good or many gods.
Mohamed(PBUH) There is no doubt that he existed. We know for a fact that he did.
Devil- is not an angel rebelling against God, for God giving man free will. How does one rebel against God with out free will/
devil/hell- if the devil is a fallen angel against God why does he do gods work and run hell? why would he make hell bad? Really just silly.
Muslims at least try to make scientific arguments.
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