Salams all

Back from India!

I went to Kerala in South India With Labbaykto the Islamic Encomium Organised by the Mahdin Institute in Kerala

Basically was this huge Spiritual Islamic Event with over 750,000 people present, something like GPU but Minus the Fitna, music and all the other nonsense.

Trip was amazing and Kerala people are the most wonderful kind hearted people you will ever come across in your life - Kerala is amazing and beautiful too full of Greenery and Clean too

Compared to Mumbai which i went for the last day which which was insane, polluted. corrupted and dirty and there is no sense of civility there at all.

You can read more about the trip here in the Blog I've also posted some videos I took there Including Beautiful Adhan and Recitation by the Muazzin of Makkah, Blind Student reading a Brailled Quran and other things!

If anyone ever has a chance to go Kerala would recommend it and likewise anyone with roots from India as well go visit India too at some point in your life well worth the experience and the kind of things you will come across can be jaw dropping

And some pictures attached to this post enjoy ;)