I am an 18 year old male and I am treated like a child by my mother, everything I do I am interogated about and I am not allowed to go out with friends.
This is not only extremely fustrating but damaging to my health. Its affecting every dam thing in my life, my studies, my imaan everything. I am at the point where I feel killing myself or leaving this **** world somehow. But as usual there is no easy halal way out. My mother is such a huge trial for me its almost impossible to respect her the way she is nobody respects her, but I still try my best.
how long can she carry this on? how long can she carry on interogating me about every ****ing little thing I do? how long can she keep me imprisoned inside the house?
Islamically do I have any rights to stop this oppression by my own mother
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)