
The following links for the vocabulary lists of are for books 1 to 4 of the very popular series ***1575;***1604;***1593;***1585;***1576;***1610;** *1577; ***1604;***1604;***1606;***1575;***1588;***1574;** *1610;***1606; which was produced in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh to be more specific). It is a holistic Arabic learning series that comprises 2 sets of 6 six books each: one set of 6 for the student and the other set for the teacher. I think that meanwhile this series has been superseded by other series in Saudi Arabia and is not as popular as it used to be. Here follows the links to the vocab lists of Books 1-4 of the series:

Book 1: http://www.saudiacademy.net/html/book1.htm

Book 2: http://www.saudiacademy.net/html/book2.htm

Book 3: http://www.saudiacademy.net/html/book3.htm

Book 4: http://www.saudiacademy.net/html/book4.htm

While I agree that the layout of the lists could do with some improvement, students would do well to copy these lists onto Microsoft word or elsewhere and then put them into tables and columns or whatever would make for a better layout. Teachers can also use them and provide other useful information such as plural form of singular noun, or mudari' and masdar of madi, and so on. These can then be kept with books and used in conjunction with them.

Insha Allah, I hope you find the links useful.