Salaam everyone, I have a question which has been bothering me and my wife ever since we heard of it. We both got married in Afghanistan and got the whole nikah ceremony done but after about a year I brought her to America through a K1 visa which means that she will have to get married within 90 days of entering the US. Now we went to city hall and got married officially by the ordained minister with him reading from the bible. We did it with the fact in mind that we needed to get married in order for her to be able to stay. Now the problem thats bothering us is that a person we know said that by us getting married by the minister, our nikah had been "void" after or that it was haram for us to be together unless we got our nikah redone by a Mullah. I have never heard of such a thing and was wondering if its true and if we need to redo our nikah by a Mullah or some other way.
