"Till, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said: 'O ants! enter Your dwellings, lest Sulaiman (prophet Solomon) and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not.' So He [Sulaiman (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech." (The Noble Quran; An-Naml: 18-19).

(Allah gifted prophet Sulaiman with the ability to hear and understand these sounds)

The Holy Quran is always in complete agreement with the scientific finidings. This proves that it reaaly revealed from Allah (God).

A report in the science magazine says" Advances in audio technology have enabled scientists to discover that ants routinely talk to each other in their nests.

Advances in audio technology have enabled scientists to discover that ants routinely talk to each other in their nests.

Most ants have a natural washboard and plectrum built into their abdomens that they can rub together to communicate using sound.

Using miniaturised microphones and speakers that can be inserted unobtrusively into nests, researchers established that the queens can issue instructions to their workers.

Professor Jeremy Thomas, of the University of Oxford, said improvements in technology had made the discoveries possible because it meant the ants could be recorded and subjected to playbacks without becoming alarmed.

By placing miniature speakers into the nest and playing back sounds made by a queen, the researchers were able to persuade ants to stand to attention.

“When we played the queen sounds they did 'en garde' behaviour. They would stand motionless with their antennae held out and their jaws apart for hours - the moment anyone goes near they will attack,” he said.

He described how the ants would press their antennae to the speaker just as they would seek to greet another ant in the nest.

Professor Thomas said it remained unclear how much the ants relied on sound for ******** but he suspected that further analysis would reveal a wider vocabulary than had been seen yet.

Quran had given this news 1400 years ago.

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