Total number of traditions in 9 volumns of Bukhari are 7,000 plus. The number of hadiths collected and attributed to Prophet Muhammed (S) is in the hundreds of
thousands, approximately 700,000. And 99% of all these hundreds of thousands of hadiths are pure lies and fabrications which were rejected by the early Muslim scholars who thought they could figure out which hadith was authentic and which wasn't. Let us look at some of the other hadith collectors and what they collected.
(1) Malik bin Anas collected about 500 hadiths in his famous book, "Al-Muwattaa."
(2) Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, collected about 40,000 hadiths in his famous "Musnad". He chose these 40,000 hadiths from among 700,000 hadiths. In other words he thought 660,000 ahadith were un-proven lies and/or fabrications. That is, 94% lies and fabrications.
(3) Bukhari collected more than 600,000 hadiths and accepted 7,275 hadiths and considered 592,725 hadiths to be un-proven hadiths, lies and/or fabrications, that is almost 99% of what he collected.
(4)Muslem collected 300,000 hadiths and accepted only 4,000. He rejected about 296,000 which is almost 99% of his collected hadiths.
This should give an idea of how much corruption entered or tried to enter Islam from the back door.
Now we should understand why God promised to preserve, protect and safeguard His Book which is the ONLY authentic Hadith, the ONLY acceptable Hadith, the BEST HADITH - the Noble Quran. NO such guarantee was offered to the fabrications and lies of the fabricators and liars who claimed to 'improve' on the Book of Allah by 'explaining' it and called the Quran incomplete and undetailed and claimed that the Quran needs clarification by another book.
The Jews, more than a hundred year after Prophet Moses' death created Mishnah (hadith or narrations) and Gemarrah (sunna or actions). The Jews upheld these and the invented laws within them rather than the TORAH, the revealed Word of God Almighty.
Three hundred years after the passing away of Jesus, son of Virgin Mary, the Christians created the concept of trinity which is now the primary source of Christian belief in defiance of the original Bible which commanded the absolute worship of God Alone.
The Muslims, 150 to 200 years after the death of Prophet Muhammed (S), CREATED another source of their religion alongside the Noble Quran, the "Hadith & Sunnah" falsely attributed to the Prophet Muhammed in defiance of the Quran. Today most Muslims have discarded the Quran in favor of the Hadith & Sunnah.
When I first entered Islam it was by the grace of Allah and his words in the Holy Qur'an. I heard of the most elegant hadiths and found them to be very inspirational and motivating. Later on I found out other hadiths attributed to the Prophet (S), that were out of the character of Prophet Muhammed (S), and Islam. The sad thing is most Muslims would consider you kuffar for doubting or questioning Ahadith. You can go to just about any Masajid and the khutbahs will be from Ahadith and not the Qur'an. How can we say that Islam is religion of peace, and at the same time kill the apostates? I think Ahadith corrupt what Islam means...
My question is why do we blindly follow man-made hadiths over the word of the Lord of the Worlds?
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)