"Kitaab at-Tawheed with Ustadh Nabeel ul-Haq
(UPCOMING CLASS - after Isha(8:15pm))"
An upcoming class going through the classical work of Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rahimahullah) [d.1206 A.H] on tawheed and shirk. The class will include the following topics among many: the virtues of tawheed (uniqueness of Allaah), that which contradicts tawheed, the worsship of the heart and the ruling on magic and omens all are welcome (seperate seating arrangements for sisters).
Ustadh Nabeel Ul Haq was born and raised in the United Kingdom. He studied at the Islamic University of Madeenah and completed a BA (Hons) degree in Shariah with a rank of excellence, and then went on to complete a MA (Hons) in Islamic Theology also with a rank of excellence. Outside of the University Ustadh Nabeel has studied a number of classical texts under the scholars of Madeenah, as well as a number of other classical and contemporary works under other distinguished scholars from around the Arabian peninsula.
This class will be starting on Wednesday 27th May before maghrib inshaAllaah.
For more information contact brother Shahid 07939 297 812
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)