Assalaamu Alaykum all,

I am going to write a few things in this post and it is likely to offend others, but these matters need addressing as for too long they have gone unspoken and ignored within the Muslim community.

Many people reading this will therefore find themselves being addressed indirectly when they realise the people I am speaking about are they themselves.

The scholars have established the conditions of living in Darul kufr, even those scholars who permit living in Darul kufr are of the opinion that Da'wah is a Fard upon both the community and also upon the individual where they have knowledge.

This is because of the following two ayats as well as other evidences...

"Invite to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided."

“Let there arise amongst you a group that invites to the good, orders what is right and forbids what is evil, and they are those who are successful.”

The first verse gives a general command to give Da'wah, the second is showing there is a communial obligation to call to Allah as a group.

Now a few people do the first type of Da'wah, the personal Da'wah but even this is sadly lacking but practically no one does the second at all.

Let me show you what I mean from my own city, where we have about 35-40,000 Muslims, and 3 or 4 brothers doing a weekly Da'wah stall, one week a year given to Da'wah at the universities, one Deobandi Alim who has classes for new Muslims and non-Muslims and one centre which thinks it is calling to Allah by having people dance around to music (whirling dervishes) in the name of Da'wah once a year.

Now can we say we are seriously fulfilling our Fard kifayah responsibility here to call to Allah openly and as a group? Obviously not.

Everyone at this point usually agrees here we are not doing enough, fine we are all together at this point when I discuss these issues the problem comes next.

So people agree more needs to be done, but do they do it themselves? Do they go out and call the people to Allah either individually or as a group, a jammat, no they are too busy in their dunya, earning their wealth, paying for nice cars and houses is more important to the, that's right, your house and your car you worked so hard to buy is more important to you than calling to Allah.

What they mean is others should do it for them, which is fine if enough people are doing the public Da'wah (which they are not) but the personal da'wah is a fard aiyn responsibility, can someone do your fast for you or your salaah for you? no of-course not, but these are fard aiyn.

So people need a wake-up call, they need to get off their lazy butts and start doing some Da'wah, get out on the street, talk to your neighbours, do you even know your neighbours? Seriously when was the last time you spoke to your neighbours. I know it is difficult in today's Britain where everyone wants to be by themselves but make some effort at least.

And support the public Da'wah, give your time and help write leaflets if you are not good at public speaking, give some money as I can tell you everything we get for the Da'wah stalls comes out of our own money, but do something.

If you are too busy with the dunya to do Da'wah then I am going to be blunt, you are committing major sins just by doing that. Everyone one of those kuffar who was in your life, your school mates, college mates, work buddies, neighbours, shopkeepers etc in your life will all tell Allah you never gave Da'wah whilst here and had the opportunity and you will be answerable for every single such instance, scary isn't it?

My last job one non-Muslim asked me why we didn't eat beef in the break room, I said 'that is hindus not muslims' and then turned to the brothers sat there also who were on this kaffirs team with their pious jubbahs and huge beards and asked them 'have you never explained islam to him? why doesn't he know the difference between islam and hinduism?'

They said they stuck to themselves and didn't share their religion even though they'd worked with this guy for years, I think that is going to be true of most people reading this isn't it? you stick to yourself, you don't speak about Islam for fear of offending others and so big yourself deeper and deeper into sin just by living here in the UK and the west.

If that isn't enough to wake you up I don't know what will. You live here, you take jobs, take benefits, and you don't even bother to give them the offer of Islam in return, what is wrong with you? why are you so selfish and lazy? If you really wanted to give Da'wah you would, don't make excuses now because very few of them will wash.

Now get out there and do some da'wah, find some of the people in your city engaged in Da'wah and help them, call on your neighbours, people at your school / college / work to Islam because if you don't you might as well just leave now, it would be better for you to be poor back wherever your family comes from than putting yourself in spiritual danger here by not doing Da'wah.

You can't take your car, your houses, your beautiful stuff with you, only your good deeds and you are in a perfect position to do the work of the prophets but most of you are more interested in this life not the next if we look at the reality of the situation ****d on peoples deeds.

Assalaamu Alaykum,