Asalam wa alakum
Subhan ALLAH how much heart many mujaheddin have and had
i wanted to do a thread quoting mujaheddin ill started it off
pls add some nice ones:)

Abdullah Ibn Mubarak wrote in a letter to Al-Fudayl Ibn Iyaadh:
"Oh you who offer prayer in the sacred mosque!
Had you witnessed us in the battlefield
You would know that, compared to our Jihaad,
Your worship is child's play.
For every tear you have shed upon your cheek,
We have shed in its place blood upon our chests.
You are playing with your worship,
While worshipers offer your worship,
Mujahideen offer their blood and person."
The Sword of Allah: Khalid bin Al-Waleed
Do you see a space of the span of a hand on my leg, chest, arm which is not covered by some scar of the wound of a sword or an arrow or a lance ?
Said this to one of his friend few days before he died, four years after dismissal from army.
Khalid had made his point. "Do you not see?" he asked impatiently. "I have sought martyrdom in a hundred battles. Why could I not have died in battle?"
"You could not die in battle", replied the friend.
"Why not?"
"You must understand, O Khalid," the friend explained, "that when the Messenger of Allah, on whom be the blessings of Allah and peace, named you Sword of Allah, he predetermined that you would not fall in battle. If you had been killed by an unbeliever it would have meant that Allah's sword had been broken by an enemy of Allah; and that could never be."

If you were in the clouds, Allah would raise us to you or lower you to us for battle.
Said this to the Byzantine troops when they retreated from the battle field to the fortified town of Chalcis.