I have twin teenage daughters 13yrs. One of them wears hijab but the other one doesnt. The hijabi one knows how to pray and is trying to get into the habit but the other one is very reluctant. I watch islamic programs and make her sit with me but she doesnt take any notice of the things which are advised. She questions everything to the tiniest detail and says why do we have to do this and its not fair that we cant do so and so.
I know its partly my fault for not teaching her when she was younger and for not following it myself. I only started following Islam last Ramadan. Shes very rebellious and stubborn very strong willed. She says she wants to do music as one of her subjects when they have to choose their options. I've told her its haram but she says she likes it and wants to do it and will do it. I pray for her with every salah. What else can i do?
Jazakallah khair for any advice.