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النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3

الموضوع: برنامج SMSZipper v 2.1.16 ارسل 3 مسجات بمسج واحد بتكلفة مسج واحد

  1. #1
    عضو ذهبي الصورة الرمزية OmaRZaghaL Al-QuraN
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2007
    الاردن اولا

    افتراضي برنامج SMSZipper v 2.1.16 ارسل 3 مسجات بمسج واحد بتكلفة مسج واحد

    SMSZipper v 2.1.16 S60v3 - Send 3 SMS at the Cost of 1 SMS

    SMSzipper compresses your SMS. To send and read SMS with more than 160 characters just install the SMSzipper software to your mobile phone (supported platforms) and you are ready to go! The program automatically starts once a compressed SMS is being received.

    Compressing SMS allows you to send and receive longer SMS messages but paying just for one - no need for abbreviations anymore - just type as you would do normally. Accidentally sending two SMS just because you exceed the 160 character mark is eliminated by using SMSzipper.

    Beneath SMS compression and known functions such as forward, reply, setting marks, or delete and restore messages, SMSzipper adds some features formerly unknown to SMS communication that will improve your SMS experience. It's not just SMS compression - or protecting SMS in your inbox with a passwort - there is simply more than that, see below!

    *Using SMSzipper allows you to send and receive SMS that destroy themselves after a defined time - we call them selfdestruction SMS! The sender specifies a SMS lifetime and on the receiver side SMSzipper silently discards the message after time's up. The lifetime is transferred with the SMS - at no additional cost.

    *You can define a time in the future at which the SMS is shown in the receivers inbox - a scheduled SMS! Just set time and date, send the message, and the receiver will see your greetings in his inbox at exactly the time specified - even without network connectivity and at no addtional cost. The time is submitted within the SMS.

    *Last but not least, you can even use a subject with your SMS, as known from email conversation - that makes it very easy to identify a thread within your SMSzipper inbox! The subject is also sent within your SMS and it does not limit your SMS size in comparizon to a traditional SMS - you may even type more!

    * Freeware.
    * send up to 480 characters in one single SMS*
    * receive compressed SMS
    * recommend SMSzipper to your friends by traditional SMS
    * save your messages as SMS drafts - to finish them later
    * set labels to your received SMS
    * protect SMS in your inbox by a password
    * access your phonebook if sending SMSzipper messages
    * settings dialog to control application behavior and features

    ******** Support for Compression

    The following ********s are already supported or in preparation for the compression engine.

    Please note: The user interface is currently available in German / English (switchable) only.

    * German / English
    * English only
    * German only
    * Danish / English
    * Italian / English
    * French / English (in preparation)
    * Spanish / English (in preparation)
    * Portugese / English (in preparation)
    * Swedish / English (in preparation)
    * Danish / Finish / Swedish / Norwegian / English (in preparation)
    * Dutch / English (in preparation)

    الملف في المرفقات
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    الاردن اولا
    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

    عمر القرعان

    كل الدعم للمرشح معاذ القرعان

    هندسه الاتصالات والبرمجيات

  2. #2
    عضو مؤسس الصورة الرمزية Abdallah Qasaimeh
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008

    افتراضي رد: برنامج SMSZipper v 2.1.16 ارسل 3 مسجات بمسج واحد بتكلفة مسج واحد


    وقفت بين يدي مفسر الأحلام
    قلت له: ياسيدي رأيت في المنام
    أني أعيش كالبشر
    وأن من حولي بشر
    وأن صوتي بفمي
    وفي يدي الطعام
    وأنني أمشي ولا يتبع من خلفي أثر!
    فصاح بي مرتعدا: يا ولدي حرام..
    لقد هزئت بالقَدر!
    يا ولدي، نم عندما تنام !!
    (أحمد مطر)

    خاص لطلاب الطب

  3. #3
    عضو مؤسس
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2007

    افتراضي رد: برنامج SMSZipper v 2.1.16 ارسل 3 مسجات بمسج واحد بتكلفة مسج واحد

    شكرا ابو عمير

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