برنامج جميل جدا ومبدع يسمح لك بتشبيك عدت كميرات ومتابعتها بنفس الوقت وبدقه متناهيه ويسمح لك بمشاهدة اجزاء يتم تحديدها من قبلك بكل كميرا وتصويرها بدقه و انذارك بوجودك اي حركه لأي شخص مثل تحديد مداخل المحلات و واجهة المحل و الباركنج((مواقف السيارات الاماميه للمحل)) وذلك بصوره واحده ناهيك عن اجزاء الكميرات الاخرى
webcamXP is a powerful webcams and ip cameras management and streaming software for private and professional use. it offers unique features and unequaled ease of use to let you broadcast and manage multiple video sources on the same computer. it is the perfect tool to secure your goods and to easily manage users' accesses.
supported devices :
* usb webcams (WDM driver required)
* tv, analog, multi-input capture cards (WDM driver required)
* ip cameras (JPEG/MJPEG/MPEG4)
* Windows Media streams (ASF)
* local video files (AVI/WMV/MP4/MOV/...)
supported streaming modes :
* still image for being watched on low-tech device
* flash client (compatible with most operating systems and handheld devices)
* ********** clients (MJPEG or JPEG PUSH)
* java clients (MJPEG or JPEG PUSH)
* Windows Media Streaming (ASF supports external WM9 profiles)
additional key features :
* local and remote pan & tilt control (Logitech Orbit, Create LiveMotion! and IP cameras).
* motion detector with many possible ways to handle alerts (local recording, ftp, http post, launch external applications)
* integrated gallery manager to store and manage your captures
* integrated chat system
* advanced users manager to grant time-limited access or expire at a fixed date and can be loaded from an external server.
* overlay editor which supports picture in picture, animated gifs, alphablending and advanced text editing.
دمتم بـ ود
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)