Asalaamu alaykum,

I am an editor of our university newspaper and I run the debate sections. I was thinking of running a debate on the ban on the niqab and whether this is right/wrong. I am personally hoping to write the side of the argument that it is wrong to ban it. I want to make sure the side is done justice and if a non Muslims picks that side of the debate up, they may not fully appreciate the importance on a niqab and may just talk in order to bag another article under their names.

However, I am wondering if I can run such a debate. Because obviously I would have to edit and approve the other side of the debate to be published as well although I wouldn't be approving their opinion of course. I think this would be quite a good topic to bring to the forefront of students' minds and personally I am hoping that even though I am not the most devoted, pious Muslim, I would love to be able to try and bring some perspective on the niqab ban and how wrong it is.

Brothers/sisters, if you feel like it is okay for me to run such a debate given the content, I would love some help please. I would love to hear from some niqab wearers how you started, whether you chose to do it or if you first intially did it because you were asked to and so on and so forth. I would love to make this a really strong article insha Allah and try and make an attempt to show niqab wearers in a good light in my UK uni.

But, first, would it be okay for me to run such a debate topic?

May Allah bless you and all of us. Ameen.