What more could one ever ask for in the whole of eternity than to see the REAL appearance of Almighty Allah EVERYDAY? That would be beyond one's wildest dreams right?

Well this is actually possible everyday!

Read the following:

Sayyidina Ibn ***8216;Umar Radiyallahu ***8216;Anhu says, Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu ***8216;Alayhi Wasallam said: "The one with the lowest rank from among the inhabitants of Jannah will be that person who will be able to see his gardens, wives, luxuries, servants and things of enjoyment to the distance of one thousand years. The one with the highest stage will be the person who will see the countenance of Allah Ta***8216;aala morning and evening.... " - (Ahmed, Tirmithi, Mishkaat)

Subhaanallah! Nothing is more beautiful, amazing or precious in the whole of the heavens and the Earth than to see the Real appearance of Almighty Allah EVERYDAY!

Can you imagine the chance of seeing the one who created EVERYTHING we can see, touch, feel, sense, hear and imagine EVERYDAY?

We all have the chance of gaining this opportunity to see the appearence of Almighty Allah everyday and our chance to to gain this opportunity is how we live our life in this world until we die.

If we do our very best to live everyday to worship and to please Allah and to refrain from anything that displeases or angers him then we have the chance of gaining the high ranks in Jannah so that we can see the appearance of Almighty Allah everyday!

Sayyidina Suhayb Radiyallahu ***8216;Anhu narrates that Nabi Sallallahu ***8216;Alayhi Wasallam said: "When the people of Jannah enter into Jannah, Allah Ta***8216;aala will say: ***8216;Do you want Me to increase anything for you?' They will say: ***8216;Did you not illuminate our countenance; did You not enter us into Jannah and save us from Jahannam.***8217;" He (further) says: "Then the veils will be lifted and they will see the countenance of Allah. From whatever they had been granted, nothing will be more beloved then seeing their Rabb." (Muslim, Mishkaat).

Oh Allah please give us all the opportunity to gain the highest ranks in Jannah so that we may see your countenance everyday! Ameen