Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh.
My Love Story...
She came into my life, when i needed her the most
when i had lost it all, the trust, the care, emotion.
she taught me that i could trust people again
that i could love and respect once more.
making me think different to how others would percieve.
when i felt weak, she'd empower me.
Her presence was pleasing and brought peace to my heart
the scenes of the world were colourful now, pure art.
She encouraged me to ask Allah, and He would give..
So by His Mercy i'd learn patience, and to forgive.
We'd work together and be strong.
Even though our journey was tiresome, and long..
..but time moved forward, and situations changed. The world distracted. The love didn't increase, just conflicted.
"i'm sorry" i'd say regretfully. "repent to Allah" she would reply.
but the love wouldn't rise again. Sins would rise. Our relationship began to change...
My heart was greedy, and it wanted more.
the gaze wouldnt lower when passers flaunted
the heart said no, but the desires taunted.
the heart covered itself in dirt of black.
soon.. she left, and didn't come back...
the regret hurt, and loneliness messed my head.
Couldn't go sleep, couldn't rest.
i covered the pain with sin
might remove this pain i'm in?
the pain persisted and the desire more
so i increased in rebellion,
but this feeling wouldnt go..
..i had lost myself..
my regret overpowered
i went in search
she was with her protector, waiting to be found.
Just waiting for me to come around.
She missed me too
but i couldnt be with her, until i gave her her due.
what is your due, i humbly asked?
“To pray, to obey, and be steadfast thats the only way - our relationship lasts.
To be the friend of Allah, and think of death often.
To humble yourself, and do good action
to prepare for that moment, when we all run away
except the one who prepared for that Day
so fear Allah and be committed
to our relationship, so you're admitted,
in the gardens of joy
don't be the people of hell
the home of destruction, a fire filled cell.
mend your ways now, its the right thing to do,
deep down, you know i care for you..“
i listened attentively, understanding.. I was wrong in desiring more.
When she was enough for me, when she made me joy.
That smile of that kid, who finds his best toy.
The simplicity, the balance, the pact we kept.
Thats what we wanted - without regret.
i asked her Protector, who gave her me back.
This experience had put me on track.
except this time i was sure
i didnt need to exceed desires for more.
the experience gave me fresh strength
The true Joy was in being content.
..We're now together - together till death,
a promise we've - upto now - kept.
i hope it remains this way.
oh Allah, don't let us stray.
from your Mercy and pleasure.
since that's the only way, we'll stay together.
now you know, this was my love story..
except, it wasn't what you expected it to be.
this girl, her name was Imaan*.
except she wasn't a girl, she's my faith - that kept me strong.
Imaan is my joy, my love, and pleasure..
the one i've tried to find - through many - in haraam,
except this one, caused the least harm,
..the one I still treasure.
*Meaning Faith/trust [I.e. Iman billah (a trust/contract with Allah/God)
I ask Allah to make us love Imaan, to travel with her - always, to cause us to die with her, and to arise on Judgment Day with her by our side.
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)